Saturday 16 May 2020

Dark Forest Fairy Mercy page 32

I started running because I didn't have time to stand and think, but the bear wouldn't let me and it kept chasing me madly. After running too fast, I realized that my legs were not strong enough to run anymore but my legs did not stop running, even when I turned around to see if the bear was chasing me.
Because I was running in fear watching the bear chase me, I forgot to look at the tree in front of me. I couldn't stop my legs from running because the incident had taken place quickly. Suddenly looking ahead, I hit the tree and fell down and my forehead was severely wounded.
Blood came out fast from my forehead, I felt like that place was circling around me. I pressed my forehead with my palm but the blood was still flowing.
Somehow I thought it was time to get up and run but I couldn't move. I'm pretty sure there's no one to rescue me from the bear in this dense forest and If I want to save myself, I just have to try.
My throat was so dry and I can't make any noise from it. Probably no one will come to help me in the forest even if I scream. I know for sure that I was the bear's lunch today. The way it looked made me even more frightened. 

See you tomorrow. 

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